Happy New Year!
I hope you had a lovely Christmas & New Year.
Apologies for the hiatus I happened to take. I wasn't planning on doing so, however over the Christmas period I just did not feel like blogging at all!
My parents went away from the 27th until tomorrow; so I wanted to spend time with them over Christmas before they went away. Then for the past week I've been with my boyfriend who I've enjoyed just relaxing with and not worrying about updating my blog or social media.
It was a well needed break and I feel almost ready to jump back into the world of blogging.
Today I thought I'd take it easy and just do a little recap of my 2014 and how I'd like 2015 to go.
To begin with, admittedly, the year didn't start off too well.
From November 2013 to around March 2014 I went through a very sour patch in my personal life, I wont go into details, but it was just an all round s**t time for me.
Things started to pick up in the beginning of March and for the majority of March to July I was a very happy person.
Again, things went downhill slightly through July and August, not as bad as previously, however I did receive shockingly poor AS results; my fault completely.
Then from September to now things have been perfect.
Of course there are days where things don't go the way I wish they would, but that's life!
However, I could not currently wish for a better family, boyfriend or friends.
Onto my goals for 2015.
First - I'd like to retain and increase my fitness levels, something I wanted to do last year and actually kept dedicated to for a majority of the year! I did peak around October time however & have only been a few times since, however I'll be back again on Monday!
Secondly - I said this last year, and I think I stuck to it quite well, and that is to increase my dedication to my blog. I'd say throughout the year I've been quite good at sticking to it although there are some months I may not have been as good.
Third - I'd like to try and organise myself better in terms of school and try to study harder. I love what I study at Sixth Form, however I lack motivation 90% of the time as I feel like I've been in school for just too long now. However, this is my last year & I am determined to work hard and get good A Levels.
Fourth - Perhaps a fickle goal to have but it will still remain a goal for me, and that is to slowly increase my collection of clothes. For years I only bought from cheap shops such as Primark (which I am certainly not mocking, especially considering I used to work in Primark!) and I just felt that it was such a waste of money to buy cheap items that don't last long. Therefore, I have decided to slowly donate all the clothes I no longer want to charity & build up a collection of good quality clothes. Whether that's from shops such as Topshop or Ralph Lauren, I'd just really like to have a 'better' range of clothes.
Finally, last but by no means least - I would like to be happy. As mentioned I went into 2014 with an extremely negative mindset and I felt dragged down for months. However, I have started 2015 in the best mindset I've felt for months and I cannot wait for the year ahead.
So my goal is to be happy and not let the little things bother me.
That's it for my sum up of 2014 & my goals for 2015.
What are you aiming to achieve in 2015?
I shall have a post Christmas haul coming up soon so watch out!
Lastly, posts may be a little irregular until I become settled at school again.